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fc2 巨乳 学术动态 | 脑胶质瘤术中庸术后颅内给药CTLA

发布日期:2025-01-02 02:13    点击次数:193

fc2 巨乳 学术动态 | 脑胶质瘤术中庸术后颅内给药CTLA

学术动态fc2 巨乳

神外前沿 289期

神外前沿讯,2024年10月,比利时UZ Brussel神经外科团队在神经肿瘤学会(SNO)官方学术期刊Neuro-Oncology杂志(影响因子16.4,中科院分区医学1区)上报说念了术中庸术后颅内给药调养脑胶质瘤的推崇。

此前,复发性高等别神经胶质瘤 (rHGG) 穷乏灵验调养材干,全身性 PD-1和CTLA-4 免疫查验点扼制剂因为血脑障蔽等原因而疗效有限。


Intracranial administration of anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 immune checkpoint-blocking monoclonal antibodies in patients with recurrent high-grade glioma



作家团队:Johnny Duerinck, Louise Lescrauwaet, Iris Dirven, Jacomi Del’haye, Latoya Stevens, Xenia Geeraerts, Freya Vaeyens, Wietse Geens, Stefanie Brock, Anne-Marie Vanbinst, Hendrik Everaert, Ben Caljon, Michaël Bruneau, Laetitia Lebrun, Isabelle Salmon, Marc Kockx, Sandra Tuyaerts, Bart Neyns

原神 足交

照看效果暴露复发性高等别神经胶质瘤最大安全切除后,术中使用 iCer IPI 蚁合 NIVO,术后使用 iCav NIVO ± IPI,剂量最高可达每两周 1 毫克 IPI 加 10 毫克 NIVO,其调养是安全可行的,况且暴显露令东说念主饱读励的总生涯期( OS)

此前,术中脑内给药材干被评释四肢一种免疫调养战术是安全和具有生物活性的,但迄今狂妄仅用于溶瘤病毒(sitimagene ceradenovec、TOCA-511 和 DNX-2401)和 CAR-NK 细胞的局部给药。

Progression-free survival and overall survival. PFS (A) and OS (B) probability according to Kaplan–Meier for cohort 4 with intraoperative NIVO + IPI followed by postoperative iCav NIVO (n  = 16), or cohort 7 with postoperative NIVO + IPI(n  = 26). (C) OS of patients treated in the Glitipni trial with intra plus postoperative iCav NIVO (cohort 4) or NIVO + IPI (cohort 7), intraoperative IPI or NIVO + IPI only (cohorts 1 and 2, no postoperative NIVO or IPI, n  = 27), and a pooled historical cohort of Belgian patients with recurrent HGG (n  = 469). (D) OS comparison between pooled Glitipni patients (n  = 69) and the pooled historical cohort of Belgian patients with recurrent HGG.


神外前沿-中国神经外科新媒体fc2 巨乳,科技鞭策学科卓绝;琢磨邮箱:shenwaiqianyan@qq.com;任何媒体、网站等机构如需转载或援用,须取得书面授权。


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